July 5, 2011
- 剛在地鐵見住一條死咸濕佬恃住人迫人,落車時痴落個吊帶少女度,但個少女冇出聲。
- 我見個少女冇反應,唔肯定條佬既行為有冇offend 到佢,所以唔方便出聲。
- 其實由佢痴埋去到佢落左車, 只係十幾秒時間, 呢D隱性痴漢唔係真係用手摸, 當事人冇出聲, 旁人真係好難阻止。
- 要受害者出聲求援其實唔容易,無啦啦俾人侵犯俾我都驚啦。不過要旁人出手對付呢D賤格痴漢,真係要事主出第一下聲。
Comments (11)
@fongyun - "what's
to be scared of?! just elbow him" - that's what i used to think too -
until i was put into such situation and i'm afraid it's much, much, much easier said than done. the first
time i was too shocked that it was happening, and because my mum was
also present i wasn't sure if he was deliberate, until i tried to shift
to a different part of the carriage and he followed and pressed up
against me again. i was determined that i'd be braver and tougher if it
ever happened next time. but years later when it did, i was even more
scared and just sat there frozen. this time the guy even grabbed my hand
and waist, and touched my arm up and down. i started shaking like mad
and tears streamed down but still unable to move or scream, it was
obvious that i was in distress but nobody stepped up to help. i really
do think women-only carriages would really make a huge difference.
@jam_on_pancake - 那就應該學勇敢一點。
@fongyun - i know it's important to know how to protect ourselves but my point is that when things happen out of the blue it's not always that easy to stay calm and activate self-defense even though it isn't the first time. if there were the choice of seperate carriages, the chance of being subjected to such circumstances would be a lot smaller. it's irresponsible to simply ask the victims to be braver - how would you feel if your house gets burgled even if you've locked the house and windows, and when you go to the police all you get told is that you should have installed alarms and cctv and have all the access boarded up? i'm sure you would not be too happy because it's the burgler who is in the wrong, not you!
@jam_on_pancake - 但也不要忘記了﹕其他男人是無辜的,這樣假設了男人都是潛在罪犯,是不公平的。何況避到地鐵,巴士呢﹖旺角街頭呢﹖
> when you go to the police all you get told is
that you should have installed alarms and cctv and have all the access
boarded up? i'm sure you would not be too happy because it's the burgler
who is in the wrong, not you!
建議設女士專用車箱,不就正正是「you should have installed alarms and cctv and have all the access
boarded up?」
@fongyun - women asking for women's carriage is the house owner taking extra security measures willfully themselves rather than getting told by others to. this isn't unfair to men - from another perspective as @ClimbUpTreesToLookForFish suggested, you can suppose all the women would make false accusations. having seperate carriages would not only minimise the chance of sexual harassment but also help innocent men to avoid being involved in any misunderstandings and being wrongly prosecuted. indeed there are other places where crime can occur but it's just that compared to the bus, there are more people standing up against each other in a closed area and often for a relatively long time, and offenders get away with it more easily by shielding themselves from view and running away from the many doors. compared to being on the street, they can blame it on the train movement. it's often hard for the police to catch the offender even if the victim has raised her voice because it's too easily to get away. giving women a choice to use women-only carriages isn't locking all the men up but a temporary division to ensure the interest of both parties. besides, why do the two sexes have separate changing rooms? we can all walk in and take
our clothes off facing the wall and assume that no one would look - but
we won't. it's not just a matter of distrust. we know that there's bound to be somebody who would look, and we need the peace of mind.
@jam_on_pancake - 不要扯到去false accusations,這裡沒人說過。
P.S. 個人覺得廁所和更衣室要分性別,其實是我們社會對「性」過分敏感。如果自小就不分性別的話,大家見慣了反而自然得多,而且資源亦得到最有效率的運用。不過這是後話,沒有實行的可能。
我想大家都看過新聞說MTR 兩日一非禮吧,而沒有報出來的肯定更多,只要調查一下就知道這是發生得多麼頻密的事情。我不覺得有甚麼不公平,因為這樣的所謂「假設」並沒有指定某些人亦沒有指定某種男人會非禮,就好像升降機或店舖都會裝閉路電視,那難道這代表所有顧客或升降機裡的人都會犯罪?設女性專區只是多個保障而已,好像車子或屋子有防盜設備一樣,並不代表必定人犯案。至於擠迫的問題,香港應該女性比男性多吧,如果依你們所說,難道男女共同一車廂就對女性不公平了?
我不明白為甚麼有些人的語氣是反而去責備那些受害者不去作聲,或不夠勇敢,為甚麼不能想想怎樣預防at the first place?
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